Monday, April 2, 2012

9gag - The easiest way to have fun!

What do you think?
9gag is one of the easiest ways to have fun with 2,7 million likes on facebook and a few million likes as a programme itself has spread through the world in just a few seconds. 9gag is hated by some and loved by most. Don't follow the gang and become a conformist, decide for yourself! 

Some comments and opinions

Let’s try to keep this as a gentleman debate. There is really no point in starting an ironic flamewar about 4chan v. 9fag blah blah forcing memes etc etc.To be honest here, I personally don’t really see anything hugely wrong with them. (hear me out)
From the looks of a lot of images in our gallery here, a fair majority has the 9gag watermark on the bottom. From what I can see (I haven’t really been on their site) they have a fairly nice compilation of images on their site. You can’t really deny some of the stuff put here is actually funny.I would assume all of the hate came from the meme forcing. I guess that’s when it becomes a problem. And then some kind of incident where they told /b/ that 9gag made a meme that /b/ clearly made? Dunno much about that, but attacking 4chan is probably not a good idea. I guess they have just become some site that other sites think is annoying. - BEARIT

There are 3 huge reasons.
1. 9gag relies largely on Rage Face face comics and reaction images for most of it’s humour. Ragefaces were unpopular months ago when Reddit started overloading on them, and are pretty much considered to be the opposite of comedy by a big portion of internet users. This is probably 4chan’s biggest reason for hating it.
2. The banner. The banner somehow manages to suck the fun out of great images, just by being there. And this isn’t even in a “oh, 9gag sucks blurgh” way, the same can be said of every single site that sticks its shitty banners onto images (yes that includes most of Cheezburger as well". I think it’s the branding of it. An ever present advertisement for the site, stuck on interrupting the humour. Which brings us to the biggest reason of all.
3. Stealing content. By far the most annoying thing of all, is 9gags complete inability to add sources for anything – ANYTHING – they post. It’s basically the modern day equivalent of eBaums world. A bunch of assholes taking other peoples work and content and reposting it themselves, complete with their watermark, so any semblance of crediting the creator is gone. And it sure as hell is pissing off a lot of webcomic creators and other online people.
And yes, I know that KYM does a similar thing, often taking other peoples macros and images and posting them without credit (although you guys should seriously try to provide a link to the original post in the notes, especially if it’s a drawing or art piece), but, and here’s the big difference: we don’t pretend we made them. We don’t add a banner so that everyone thinks that 9gag is where it came from. And that’s a big difference.
Those are the main reasons. Pretty sound reasons for hating a site, but hey. At least it isn’t FunnyJunk. -PEPPER

Interesting inventions

Interesting Inventions, ENJOY!
Some weird but interesting inventions! 

Hair loss

Hair Loss!
Do you comb your hair and a bunch of strands are stuck on your brush?
Do you shower and at the bottom of your sink is full of hair?

Do you have to clean your bathroom floor every week because its full of hair?

Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition. Anyone — men, women and children — can experience hair loss.

So the Question is how do you prevent hair loss?

  • Wash and dry gently- Wash hair regularly with mild shampoo, avoid brushing wet hair.
  • Oil massage
  • Eat healthy - Have a balanced diet
  • Be careful how you style your hair. 
  • Don't subject your hair to frequent
  • Get your stress under control. Stress damages all of your body
  • Consider supplements
Wash and dry gently

Wash hair regularly with mild shampoo and be gentle with your hair. Hair washing can form a part of preventing hair loss as it can keep your hair and scalp clean (preventing the chances of infections, etc. that might cause hair loss), and provided you use a mild shampoo, clean hair will give the impression of more volume than dirty hair, which tends to sit flatter and more parted than clean hair.Avoid brushing wet hair. This snaps off a lot of hair that could still be growing! If you must comb wet hair, use a very wide-toothed comb. Also avoid brushing hair too frequently as doing so can injure hair and increase loss. Use your fingers to undo tangles, not a comb or brush.

Oil Massage

Oil Massaging your hair is important, it moisturizes your hair and keeps it strong and healthy. A main cause of hair loss is dry and unhealthy hair!

Eat healthy - Have a balanced diet

Nutritional responses to preventing hair loss are simple common sense approaches to keeping you, your hair, and your scalp healthy and are beneficial for your health all round – a healthy body is more likely to have healthy hair than an unhealthy one. Avoid food or eating habits that can inhibit hair growth or encourage hair loss. There are some things you should not do or eat in order to avoid hurrying hair loss. The following things can harm your hair and bring about hair loss, either temporarily or even permanently depending on your genetic make-up.

Don't subject your hair to frequent

Don't straighten or curl your hair too often, especially dying your hair.

Simply Life

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Simply Life has absolutely everything in store for you! From relationships to dieting! From humourous pictures to serious politicians. If you want to have fun daily and also learn about true life and love Simply life should be on your daily schedules.

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